Saturday, August 31, 2013

First out door pic

So right off the bat I can see why I really need a camera besides my phone. I like the image though. Just wish it wasn't so grainy and that it was a little more focused.

Update on recent projects

This is the progress on the helm. I've smoothed out every rough surface and snapped it back together for a better look. It should now be ready for priming and painting. 

Front left view. Those grey areas are where I have to fill spaces with some apoxy. I then sanded the area down to the smooth surface using 40,60,80,100,120,200,320 and 400 grit sand paper. One of the best things about working with sand paper is when you finish with the 400 grit and you feel how smooth the surface is compared to how it was before. However that moment is soon lost when you look at the clock.

Front right view

You ever work on a project and then all of a sudden another one comes to mind? this is where the above image came from. At the current moment my mind is trying to construct three different projects at once. 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Bits and Peices: The sum of the whole

Dragon Bone Guantlets

Above is the beginning of one of my too many side projects. To the left is a template I drew up and cut out of some card stock paper. To the right you can see a blue object. That object is a cut out of the template that I made and slightly assembled/shaped. The end result will hopefully look like these:,d.aWc&psig=AFQjCNG6a9HmHCC7tVu7Vx2cDz7HBFFFOw&ust=1377975425270998

And here is too much trial and error going into an paint job. Painting is not my best skill but I can get a decent finish occasionally.

Cardboard and Tape:
A parents worst enemy

Forgot that their was a bit of wax involved

And Twine

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Recent Projects

This is an image of a comic book character named Spawn. It was done with a mixture of charcoal, chalk, permanent marker, pencil and spray adhesive. Currently on my roommates wall as a welcome back gift. I did this roughly mid august.

This Item here is a project that started back when I was in junior high but let sit for the longest time. I just picked it back up a week ago but spent most of my free time the past couple days reworking the surface and making it paint friendly. I say paint friendly because this item is made mostly of plastic. Due to the nature of the plastic spray paint will not stick easily and will actually come of with the lightest scrape of any surface. By roughing up the surface with coarse sandpaper (180 grit) and then refining it with a finer sandpaper (400 grit) you can give the paint something to adhere to while still leaving the plastic with a smooth finish. 

This picture is here to point out the bluish area in the center of the helmet. That blue stuff is insulation foam. I cut it down and shaped it into the piece you see their. The previous piece was missing and there was just a big hole there. I still need to seal the foam for painting. This can be done with watered down Elmers white glue or several layers of spray adhesive. Otherwise spray paint would break down the foam and then it would be a bubbly sticky mess.

More progress after this weekend.